Essential Principles, Mindset Shifts, and Frameworks— guiding and energizing great leaders and their teams.

Getting Beyond

Training ⇨ Development

Information ⇨ Formation

Inspiration ⇨ Transformation

Nice ideas in the moment ⇨ Stickiness

Nodding behavior ⇨ Deep convictions lived out

Dual-Focused Strategy

Individual Development

A combination of core content, coaching, assessments, and practicum that help a person grow their capability and capacity to lead themselves and others.

Team Development

Inviting management and working groups to engage as a team—exercising concepts and practices that contribute to high engagement, effective execution of strategies and moving the organization to a desired future.

Greenhouse Model

Content - Key concepts and practices that anchor and transform great leaders and teams.

Coaching - Conversations that promote application, guidance, accountability and stickiness.

Assessments - Survey instruments that provide an initial benchmark and periodically measure progress.

Practicum - Activities that grow understanding through exercising the Content in real-world settings.

LTD Journeys

Individual & Team Development

An inside-out process, producing an Outward Mindset.

Essentials for Leading

Frameworks - Simple diagrams that represent a set of ideas & practices that are vital for extraordinary leaders and teams.

Principles - Timeless, universal, self-evident beliefs that anchor the mindsets and practices of great leaders and contribute to their effectiveness.

Mindset Shifts - A change in a person’s mental map or worldview that enhances their choices, attitudes and actions as a leader or team member.

Get started with GlenArbor, today.