Coming alongside leadership teams in their quest to nurture Vibrant Cultures and deliver extraordinary outcomes.

How We Can Come Alongside You


We can help you in defining your needs and designing a solution that will contribute to a Healthy & Smart organization— producing outstanding results and safeguarding your future with:

  • Leader Development

  • Team Development


Facilitation can use the following formats:

  • LearnShops - presentation and exercises to introduce key concepts and practices

    • Enhancing Your Effectiveness

    • Nurturing a Vibrant Team Culture

    • Detecting & Defining My Greater Yes

    • The 6 Types of Working Genius

  • Affinity Groups - The opportunity for people— in similar roles, facing similar challenges & opportunities, OR learning similar content and practices— to discuss questions, share stories, explore possibilities. Benefiting from each other’s experiences.

  • Intensives - multi-day day immersion into development activities:

    • Discovery

    • Leader of Self

    • Leader for Others

    • Teaming

  • Labs – a second pass through LearnShop Content using application stories and advanced exercises

  • Discussion Groups – participants read or view Content before arriving to discuss in small groups

  • Forums – large-group, special events to extend or reinforce earlier Content.


There are three styles of Leader Development Coaching available: 1:1 Coaching, Leadership Team Coaching, Cohort Coaching. An organization may select a single style or implement a combination of these styles.

Common to all three styles of LD Coaching is the emphasis on:

  • Stickiness that moves the information to formation and beyond inspiration to transformation.

  • Guidance of Participants back into the Content as they grow their understanding and hone their skills.

  • Accountability in their commitments to apply a particular concept or practice.

Get started with GlenArbor, today.